Project Up2DigiSchool logotype

Welcome to Up2DigiSchool

A viable pedagogical approach 
for digital school education

Smiling girl with headphones on her head

Our mission

The Up2DigiSchool project is based on the experience of Up2U project and aims at improving the current situation in digital education in Europe. 

Due to the many lockdowns caused by COVID-19 in spring 2020, schools moved from face-to-face to online teaching and learning to support the continuation of the education. For many teachers and students it was a whole new experience of education. It was also a great opportunity to explore new tools and pedagogical approaches, as well as to support developing new digital skills and competences of students.

About the project

Project Up2DigiSchool as a support in digital education

Animation showing a girl holding a laptop in her hands

This project focuses on school education for students from 13 years old, i.e. education in secondary or vocational schools in most countries. Involving the networks of high schools already activated during the Up2U project, and extending the community with new schools, partners will analyze and test the efficacy of tools and pedagogical approaches, and will provide training activities for teachers.

Our Goals


To improve the current situation in digital education in Europe.


To support schools’, teachers’ and educators’ developing digital skills and competences of students.


To extend the free open-source Up2U platform with new features and services.

What does the project offer?

Learning Scenarios Repository

A pool of scenarios will be available for the users based on the different users’ needs and requirements.

E-learning platform

As part of the project, an e-learning platform will also be created, where the materials will be placed.

Online courses

In order to support the work of teachers and tutors, there will be created online courses and training programmes.

What is Up2DigiSchool?

More about us

The project will build on top of the Horizon 2020 Up2U project that has piloted
its methodology and its learning platform with selected teachers from hundreds of schools from several European countries. The Up2U finished in 2020, and reported a positive impact on teachers but also identified their further needs.

We are meeting your needs

This Up2DigiSchool project will adopt that methodology and the technical solutions, will update it to the current circumstances and to newly-recognised teachers’ needs, and will extend the previous target schools base to make a positive impact on more teachers of Europe. Starting from the already-recognised needs and existing solutions, the Up2DigiSchool project ensures it will efficiently address the real challenges of the target groups.



Beginning of the project


Learning Scenarios Portal


Training program pilots


Presentation of interim project results


Execution of the teacher training program and analysis of results


Final presentation of the project results

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— WYDARZENIE STACJONARNE 17.10.2024, godz. 9:00 -15:30 —



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— WYDARZENIE ONLINE 17.10.2024, godz. 9:00 -10:40 —



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